Sara Osman Sara Osman


I have decided to rebuild my wardrobe and learn how to make clothes. I’ve recently thrown away most of my wardrobe except for the essentials. I’ve been holding onto them for so many years, to the point where it began to feel like a burden and as if I was holding on to a Sara that no longer exists. It was such a relief when they were finally taken away. Now, I have the opportunity to start brand new and create a wardrobe for myself that is meaningful, makes me feel beautiful and aligns with my values. I want to fill my wardrobe with pieces I make myself and pieces I’ve found that are well made and ideally from small brands that I connect with. I don’t have any concrete plans for this journey, I would much rather let it unfold and see where it takes me. What I’m hopeful for is that it leads me to be more knowledgeable and have a greater appreciation for the clothes-making process and the people who make them. With this blog, I would like to document my journey and thought process behind the clothes I make and buy.

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